Sunday, December 17, 2017

So Very Long Ago! Hello Again!!

It has been so long since I had time to blog.  I have truly missed it as much as I missed my quilting projects.  Hello, all my quilting friends and pals.  Many of you don't know that over the last few years I have been working a job that required very long hours for very little pay and that took me away from my ability to quilt and to write.  Eventually, about a year ago, I took a second job to make ends meet...meaning less time to focus on the things I truly enjoy.  That being said, I am back!!  I have one full time job that pays well and give me the time I need to focus on the things I love.

As I write this, it occurs to me that we quilters have a few challenges that should be addressed.  Many of us are very sedentary.  We sit for long periods of time.  And many of my quilt community friends have suffered health issues as a result.  Why do I bring this up?  In my new position I've been introduced to something that has changed my health and life.  Over time I will share this with each of you.  If you want more info, please reach out to me at

Let's get our quilt groove on and head into the new year!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.
